Indeterminacy, systems and the dissolution of buildings are all very vague notions when we try and connect them to the tangible architecture that surrounds us. The title of Archigram Seven 'Beyond Architecture', creates a sense of endlessness, limitless architecture designs that are well and truly miles away from this world. In this context 'beyond' portrays the following meaning; 'outside the understanding, limits, or reach of the past' (01/08, although today maybe they are a little closer to reach than we think.
In keeping with the Archigram theme of indeterminacy this title makes perfect sense, as it portrays infinity. Archigram has always tried to push the extents of architecture and design and throughout the years, the level of indeterminacy has steadily increased. Beyond architecture today is a very different notion to what beyond architecture in the 60's ment to people. In the 60's Archigram was only suggesting, merging architecture and industrial design, today it is has moved away from a suggestion and into a reality. Today, certain technologies are available that clearly show this adoption of Archigrams 'building as a machine'. For example, how we cool and heat buildings.
Human imagination has always stretched further than the limits of the environments, Archigram was revolutionary in terms of being brave enough to document and publish it through image and sketch. Although most of the works, imaginary and not possible at the time, it is important to understand what they have done for architecture today.
In keeping with the Archigram theme of indeterminacy this title makes perfect sense, as it portrays infinity. Archigram has always tried to push the extents of architecture and design and throughout the years, the level of indeterminacy has steadily increased. Beyond architecture today is a very different notion to what beyond architecture in the 60's ment to people. In the 60's Archigram was only suggesting, merging architecture and industrial design, today it is has moved away from a suggestion and into a reality. Today, certain technologies are available that clearly show this adoption of Archigrams 'building as a machine'. For example, how we cool and heat buildings.
Human imagination has always stretched further than the limits of the environments, Archigram was revolutionary in terms of being brave enough to document and publish it through image and sketch. Although most of the works, imaginary and not possible at the time, it is important to understand what they have done for architecture today.
Walking City in New York, 1964 (retrieved 01/08,