Monday, 22 October 2012

WK THIRTEEN // final locations of cultural entities in elizabeth st

Cultural entity A - (library) the facade on the back side of the Myer Center noticeably lacks activity and vibrance. In order to activate this facade small cultural entities (libraries and research pods at human scale) will be attached.

Cultural entity B - (art gallery) is the center point of elizabeth st and a meeting location for the pedestrians. 

Cultural entity C - (openair theatre) albert/elizabeth st intersection, allows people to become aware that the pedestrian street exists and shows them a glimpse of what happens in the street. 

WK THIRTEEN // cultural street scape

SITE: Elizabeth st

Albert st + Elizabeth st intersection

looking up Elizabeth st

Albert st + Elizabeth st intersection

looking down Elizabeth st 

Sunday, 21 October 2012

WK TWELVE // sketching form ideas for the three cultural entities

library/research spaces (section through Elizabeth st, looking at myer center) - the pods can be used for researching and studying and the walking path between the pods is where you gather your digital data.

gallery space

The above diagrams show at each room interval there is a sensor which allows more artwork to be viewed on your ipad as you walk through and up the gallery space.

preliminary sketches (gallery space)

* The 3rd cultural space will be that of an open air theatre in the intersection of Elizabeth st and Albert st. It will include seating and a stage for the actors, see below.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

WK TWELVE // topography exploration

Above is some exploration of what the topography could look like in Elizabeth st. I like the flow of b. as the rise and dip is not too unrealistic (2m above/below street level). The topography in d. and e. is too step and instead of attracting people to use the space it will deter them. In c. the variation of spaces is quite good, but I think that some of the spaces have to be slightly bigger. A mix of b. and c. will be most appropriate. 

WK TWELVE // 12 sketches in 12 minutes

Cities do not follow plans, even less than buildings do. People recognise them daily through their behaviour. Townscape and behaviour mutually adapt themselves. Friedman, Y. 2000.

12 in 12

After spending a few weeks on the script I became quite stuck when I began to think about what form and materials the building will take on. To try and produce some quick sketches to generate some ideas I did 12 in 12 minutes. Below is the result of this exercise.

As the new typography is a necessary driver and design element for the activation of this new cultural street, it is very important to be able to experience it within the buildings to they strengthen the outcome rather than act as two separate elements. 

Thursday, 11 October 2012

WK ELEVEN // what will the cultural entities contain?

Typologies: Cultural buildings contain many important functions invaluable to a city. Below are a few functions which I see as important to provide the CBD of Brisbane with.

a. Gallery spaces - 'The Urban Gallery'
b. Museum/library spaces - 'History and Future Walkthroughs'
c. Study/meeting spaces - 'At The Desk' 

WK ELEVEN // back ground - concept

Future Scenario/background

Brisbane is the fastest growing region in Australia. From now until 2026 Brisbane’s population is expected to increase by almost a third of its current population. As the population grows the demand for more efficient, and higher capacity transport becomes greater, especially the services transporting people in and out of the city. With Brisbane’s roads almost at capacity a new system has to be introduced in order to deal with the new demands. The future will see a light rail underground system implemented to accomodate the increase in demand. The system will decrease travel time from outer suburbs into the CBD and therefore encourage the use of public transport.

The CBD has several opportunistic potentials if an underground light rail system was introduced. Public spaces could be given back the community through pedestrianising some of the central streets in the CBD. Pedestrianising Elizabeth Street will begin the sceme of returning public space to the community. More available public spaces in the center of the city allows for the introduction of certain aspects that Brisbane city lacks.

Concept - dispersal of culture across the river

Across the river is a strong presence of culture. I believe at the moment Brisbane city center lacks culture and character. By 2030 a dispersal of small culture entities will occupy many of the proposed pedestrian streets. As well as adding character to the streets and activating public spaces these cultural
entities will provide new ways to experience the culture. Whilst focusing attention and design to the pedestrianisation of Elizabeth street it is important that the aesthetics and feel of the street are susinctly different to that of a retail or car street (predominately flat). Changes in the topography will allow for varied uses to take place with in Elizabeth street, whilst also acting as ‘cultural entity’ flat forms and inlets. The street will turn into a useable varied public place rather than a thoroughfare for traffic.

WK ELEVEN // elizabeth street potentials

Realising potentials in Elizabeth Street

this image looks at potential to shade the pedestrianised street with existing infrastructure.

The back facade of the myer center is rather unappealing, it would be interesting to activate it with an add-on of culture, such as a gallery space. 

The intersection of elizabeth st and albert street could turn into a public square which is stepped down to create variance in the topography. With in the square could be another type of cultural entity, such as the place for viewing history (see previous post on explanation)

WK ELEVEN // the dispersal of culture, from southbank to the CBD

When analysing the city and surroundings it becomes apparent what the city really lack, CULTURE. Whilst realising potential in extending the cultural entities across to the CBD below shows a diagrammatic proposal for the dispersal of culture into the city. As noted earlier in my blog posts, I was interested in extending this culture in the form of a portable/small gallery space. I have gone a little further and realised there could be potential for a digital history and future projections space. People can go and learn about the history of brisbane though old archives that have been made digital, and also where you can see the projections of what the city will be like in 50 to 100 years. The small building could include all kinds of holographic experiences and walk-throughs of what the city used to be like and what it is now (a new way of viewing history and the future).

And again Elizabeth st would be the prototype site of these small buildings.

I believe these small buildings will help activate the city streets and create more places rather than thoroughfares. 

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

WK ELEVEN // recapping on feedback from wk10 tutorial

After wandering Elizabeth street endlessly and taking photos everywhere I looked, I have come to the conclusion that the street is very much a shopping retail street. Apart from the two very large car park entrances which will have to be addressed if pedestrianised, it is much like any other street in Brisbane's CBD. The street was full of chaos, there is a new government building being constructed at the southwest end of the street which is the result of many large vehicles travelling in and out of the street. There is a potential for an existing cross block short cut through to Margaret street. The types of stores are mainly independently owned stores, which seem to be regularly changing ownership every 6 months or so. Another aspect that i noticed was that compared with margaret and mary st there is slightly heavier traffic on the one way street, this is likely due to the direct connection with the express way

albert and elizabeth st intersection

small independent retailers

new building typologies within elizabeth street

second large carpark with new colourful facade

large hotel

empty blocks expecting highrise buildings

myer centre underground carpark

new government building

The main feedback on friday was: 'how do i make my small activating interventions site specific to elizabeth street?'

Over the past couple of days I have thought quite a great deal about this site and have come to the conclusion that it is much like many other retail streets in Brisbane's CBD. 

The next thing I have to focus on is the places within Elizabeth street that will need to be activated once pedestrianised. 

The Myer Center has an interesting blank facade which could be interesting to activate. 

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

WK TEN // elizabeth street

After analysising what is in Elizabeth St at present, it is clear that the street is predominately a retail street. 

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

WK TEN // pedestrianised street proposal

From Queen Street Mall to Elizabeth Street - a change of site

After gathering research on Queen street mall and intending to redesign the street with new topography and small architectural entities I have decided to focus on one of the newly proposed pedestrian streets (which you can find in earlier posts). Queen st is a well established pedestrian with a great deal of history behind it. It is currently a major route for pedestrians who are already very familiar with its elements, functions and uses. Therefore creating major changes to the street could have a negative effect. It is more logical to design a new element of public space in the city, and create new familiarities and pedestrian routes. I have chosen to focus on the pedestrianisation of Elizabeth Street. Once established and successful, this could be a prototype starting point for many streets turning into pedestrian streets. Even somewhere down the track it could be implemented in Queen st, but at the moment I think it would be more logical to design one of the newly proposed pedestrian streets.,_Brisbane,_1939.jpg,_Brisbane,_1939.jpg

WK TEN // what does Brisbane CBD need, what does it lack?

'the role of the architect is to design diverse spaces that function efficiently as individual entities and maximise the relationship between spaces to facilitate their collective functioning' Di Nardo, T. 2009.

'the success of urban space is largely based on its use, architects must reflect on characteristics that will instill quality into space' Di Nardo, T. 2009.

“Functional, recreational, and social activities intertwine in all conceivable combinations…… 
Life between buildings is not merely pedestrian traffic or recreational or social activities. Life
between buildings comprises the entire spectrum of activities which combine to make
communal spaces in cities  .. meaningful and attractive.” 
(Gehl, J. 1987, 16)

what does Brisbane CBD need, what does it lack?

 Strawberry Stall, Alexander platz, Berlin

This small strawberry stall was something I found whilst on Exchange in Berlin. It is a portable stand which appears all over Berlin, particularly at train stations, which offers fresh strawberries to commuters when in season. 
Something like this could be adapted to brisbane city, offering fresh in season fruit from local farmers. The scale could be slightly larger allowing a small seating area protected from the harsh brisbane sun. 

functions for the portable/demountable buildings
- fruit stand and seating (above)
- urban library (small, does not actually hold hard copy books but holds data of books to put on your kindle)
- studio spaces (can be used for an array of functions, office meetings/uni students/private luncheons etc.
- art gallery space (brings parts of the gallery across river, so you can experience is in the city)

Monday, 1 October 2012

WK TEN // architecture that activates public spaces

 'Within public space, exists the potential for private inhabitation. Within private space, exists the potential for public inhabitation'. Richard Goodwin 2005

Below are some examples of demountable/portable buildings. They are all quite different in their intents and outcomes. One aspect they all share is the idea of portability, I like the idea of a building that can be built quickly and moved to new locations as nesseccary. I believe this kind of approach helps keep spaces active and vibrant.

A.I.R. Attachments 

 Berlin Badeschiff

source: Kronenburg, R. Portable Architecture. 2008, Berlin

Mobile Studios - portable galleries

source: Kronenburg, R. Portable Architecture. 2008, Berlin
In particular this project by Hans J. Wiegner, really aims to activate certain public squares around Berlin and the rest of Germany.

Portable Housing for the homeless

Space Buster

Renzo Piano's Travelling Pavilion

source: Kronenburg, R. Portable Architecture. 2008, Berlin