Saturday, 11 August 2012

// tutorial thoughts wk3 - sustainable future + what if scenario for urban

'what if' SCENARIOS

what if.....
                all energy was free?
                energy prices became too expensive for the average person?
                the ozone layer didn't exist?

Above are the three main what if scenarios that our group came up with in the tutorial on friday.The scenario that we developed and talked about the most was, what if all energy was free? This brought us to think, what would happen to the world if energy was free? Would the world be better or worse off, how would the people react, and how would this free energy be used to create a more sustainable future and, what would it do to our economy? All these questions, that we asked each other in the tutorial, became a bit too much to think about.

So we began to think...if energy was free, almost all physical goods would become dramatically cheaper as material and transportation costs would become not applicable. Further, if the costs of our material goods decreases dramatically then everyone would have to work less as basic needs to be satisfied much more readily. What would people do with all their extra spare time? Reducing working hours would would result in less stress placed on public transportation. Which could result in more public spaces and less roads, and possible changes to urban fabric.

FREE ENERGY + sustainability
we discussed the idea that free energy would come from fusion energy, therefore the energy source would never deplete. transport would run off this energy instead of burning up all of our natural resources from fuel.

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