Wednesday, 15 August 2012

WK FOUR // reading: Shearing Layers

I find it interesting how Brand deconstructs the layers of architecture. He tells how some components are fast changing, some slow, and the fast are ever changing depending on current trends and technologies. He deconstructs the layers of architecture to the extent that they become comparable to the rate of change and hierarchy of ecosystems. The structure, shell (the architect) and even down to that last detail of joinery (interior designer) are all as important as each other. It is important to note that all Brands’ ‘layers of architecture’ intrinsically affect the seventh layer – “human souls, the last layer of architecture”.

Without having much thought on the matter before, this reading has brought to my attention the sincere lack of integration between the profession of interior design and architecture. I further wonder, why the degrees at university are not more closely integrated. All the big name architects that we learn about in the bachelor degree such as; Le Corbusier, Frank Llyod Wright and Antonio Gaudi never got interior designers to fit out the interiors of their buildings, as they were taught all layers of architecture as one set. Today, I don’t believe there is enough emphases placed on the interior aspects; how it actually feels to be in the spaces we are designing as architecture students. Creating atmospheric spaces that vary depending on the function is very important when I am designing a building. Like I said, it all comes down to the last layer, ‘human souls’, and having a human scale so we can relate and understand the building before us. 

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