Saturday, 8 September 2012

// tutorial thoughts wk7: thinking about the tangible aspects of architecture

free energy has become too hectic for the everyday life and certain systems have had to be implemented to limit the excessive energy consumption in order to regain some control.

The next steps are to find an appropriate direction for my project. Our concept of 'free energy' for the first project was quite complicated, and something that would definitely not happen in the next 20 years. One of the concepts within this city was the idea of everything being 24/7. As I understand, this is already the case in some cities such as New York and Tokyo. When thinking about Brisbane City as a 24/7 city, it would be interesting to look at how the city fabric and programming would morph to this new adaptation. I think spaces would become more intertwined and multifunctional, which is what we had started looking at in the last project.

Would it create a more convenient city for its inhabitants? 


The other aspect of this city which I am also very interested in is the transport into and around the city, how could it change with this idea of a 24/7 city. New systems would have to be introduced and integrated into existing systems to cope with a city that functioned 24/7. A new type of transport could or just a total reorganisation of existing systems would have to implemented. 

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